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The IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) is an industry program for the global oversight of ground handling service providers (GHSPs).
ISAGO drives the standardization of operational procedures and management by GHSPs. It also increases the harmonization of best practices among the ground handling stakeholders. The ISAGO audits are performed by qualified auditors, members of the Charter of Professional Auditors (CoPA).
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- Improved safety performance of GHSPs and reduction of safety risks in ground operations
- Standardization of ground operations
- Cost and audit/auditor-days reduction
- Global recognition and acceptance (by airlines, airport, regulators)
- Independent GHSP’s management system validation in accordance with industry standards
About the Program
The ISAGO program started in 2008 in response to an industry request to address the safety risks and incident costs of ground operations. Therefore the primary objective of ISAGO is to improve the safety of ground operations through the oversight of the implementation of management system within a GHSP and driving adoption of standardized operational procedures. ISAGO is also a cost-effective alternative to the audits conducted by airlines, airports, and regulators of ground operations, reducing duplication and cost of oversight.
Compliance with highest ground handling standards
ISAGO is an accreditation scheme, validating that GHSPs comply with industry ground operations standards such as IGOM and AHM. ISAGO also provides independent assessment of compliance with ICAO Annex 19 Safety Management System.
How it works
An ISAGO registration is based on the audit of the GHSP as an organization, at its corporate headquarters. It covers the management systems that control the ground operations. A least one Station Accreditation is required, achieved by the audit of the ground operations implemented at the station.
An ISAGO Registration or a Station Accreditation is granted when all findings are closed. It is valid for a period of 24 months. Full details are in the ISAGO Program manual - GOPM Ed3 (pdf) and Temporary Revision - TR 3 to GOPM Ed3 (pdf)
The ISAGO audits are performed against standards and recommended practices (GOSARPs) published in the ISAGO Standards Manual.
Interested in gaining ISAGO registration/Station accreditation?
- If you are a Ground Handling Service Provider, please submit an application for an initial Headquarters Audit and initial Station Audit for Station Accreditation.
- If you are already an ISAGO-registered GHSP or accredited Station, you do not need to apply for a renewal audit. You will be automatically included in the annual audit allocation.
For further details contact
ISAGO Registry
The ISAGO Registry lists companies which have undergone an ISAGO audit and complied with the ISAGO program and standards requirements.
- There are 220+ ISAGO registered GHSPs globally
- There are 330+ ISAGO-accredited stations at 200+ airports worldwide
Access to the ISAGO Registry (500+ audit reports) is restricted to ISAGO member airlines. For more information contact
If you are ISAGO GHSP and your customer airline is on the list of ISAGO member airlines, please contact them directly to find out how to reduce the cost/time of the oversight activities.
ISAGO for Airports/Regulators
Are you an Airport or Regulator interested in the benefits from ISAGO?
Airport ramp is a challenging work place. Any incident impacts not only operations, causing delays and costs, but ramp incidents can also impact the safety of people, airplanes, airport’s equipment and facilities.
What can ISAGO offer you?
- Complementary data about GHSP performance/compliance and benchmark opportunities
- Compliance with ICAO Doc 10121 Manual on Ground Handling and ICAO Annex 19
- Reduction of scope/frequency/ cost of your own oversight activities
- AMC (An Acceptable Means of Compliance) to your regulatory/airport requirements
- Harmonization everyone operates according to the same standard (some variations may apply)
- Strengthening the licensing scheme for GHSPs at the airports
Contact us at to sign Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC).
Standards management change
Description of change
- ISAGO checklists will be mirroring AHM/IGOM/ICHM requirements and ISAGO will be assessing conformity with industry standards as published in various industry manuals.
- Greater drive for standardization – airlines and GHSPs to operate according to the same standards.
- Industry benchmark is clearly established (no more ambiguity on “provider shall have process.” but the process could have been different from one GHSP to another)
- More potential for airlines’ audit reduction (ISAGO report will provide evidence that e.g., IGOM, AHM 1100 were implemented by the GHSPs, and airlines can remove those elements from their own oversight, focusing on monitoring their variations, if any)
- AHM, IGOM can be recognized as acceptable means of compliance to regulatory requirements and evidence of their adoption will be available via ISAGO report sharing and OPS Portal
- Further step to safe and sustainable operations via the GSE fleet declaration
Today | Future | Timeline |
AHM 900 & GSE fleet, declaration
2023 Completed:
In progress (to be completed in phases):
2024 Planned to be finalized and published:
Audit assessment method change
Description of change
- Documentation assessment will be done remotely via Operational (OPS) Portal.
- GHSP will be requested to submit a gap analysis with the industry benchmark - including potential variations primarily driven by airport/country specifics.
- GHSP will be able to submit one gap analysis and share it within their station network - including the possibility to modify it locally where needed.
- The gap analysis will be remotely validated by the auditors.
- The GHSP will be able to modify the gap analysis anytime the industry requirements change or when the GHSP’s documentation changes.
- Continued assessment and alignment with industry benchmark.
- Capability to share results of gap analysis and variations within GHSP’s network and/or with customer airlines.
- >Increased GHSP unbiased readiness for the ISAGO audit
- Reduced audit time spent on documentation assessment (sampling only)
- Reduced audit time on-site.
Today | Future | Timeline |
2023 Completed:
2024 Planned:
2025 Planned:
Registry management change
Description of change
- Basic information about GHSP services, contact details, ISAGO accreditation scope and validity will be publicly available on One Source.
- GHSP will get additional recognition for GSE fleet declaration (focus on enhanced and sustainable GSE)
- GHSP will control their report / certificate sharing, approving/declining requests for sharing.
- Various GHSPs / airports / airlines certifications and accreditations will be available in one place.
- One place to go to for customer airline / regulator / airport when seeking information about a GHSP, their services and their recognition awards.
- Transparent, fast, and smooth certificate / audit report sharing scheme.
- Additional data analytics to measure industry benefits.
- Open benchmark opportunity against other GHSP’s accreditation
Today | Future | Timeline |
2023 In progress, to be completed:
2024 Planned:
Audit program management simplification
Description of change
Various program enhancements are in progress or under consideration to improve the customer experience with the program’s management.
To name a few:
- Contract and payment process simplification
- Implementation of online account management for GHSPs
- Introduction of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool to address GHSPs’ inquiries.
- Mobile audit software application
- Interactive data ISAGO audit report to be shared with GHSPs.
- GOPM revamp to better serve for its purpose.
- Simplification of the program
- Improved customer experience
- Better value for GHSPs
- Clear understanding of program’s provisions
Today | Future | Timeline |
2023 -2024